The library of the Earth Science Institute of the SAS is a public scientific library specializing in geological and geophysical sciences. The library is a special library of the Library System of the Slovak Republic, whose activities are professionally and methodically managed by the Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
The library provides library and information services to the professional public, and these services are governed by the Library and Lending Regulations and the Statute of the Library of the Earth Science Institute of the SAS.
The library is building a specialized library fund in the field of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, paleontology, geophysics, gravimetry, geomagnetism, geodynamics, meteorology, seismology, and related scientific fields. The library provides records of publication activities and citations for its professional employees and participates in their evaluation. It also participates in the creation of the Institutional Repository of the SAS, which is a digital repository for long-term storage and access to publications (in PDF format) created by employees of the SAS. On the basis of generally binding legal regulations valid from June 1, 2022 for VVI, the library is obliged to ensure dual categorization of publications as well as citations, as VVI are mandatory contributors to the Central Register of Publication Activity Records (CREPČ).
The library provides the following services: bibliographic and informational, research, reprographic, absentee and present loans, interlibrary loan service (also for other libraries in Slovakia), international interlibrary loan service for internal employees through the Central Library of the SAS and the University Library in Bratislava.
The library of the Earth Science Institute of the SAS was created by the integration of the libraries of the Geological Division and the Geophysical Division of the Earth Science Institute of the SAS on January 1, 2018.
Library of the Geological Division:
Library of the Geophysical Division:
Electronic sources:
- Catalogue of books of the SAS
- Catalogue of the publication activity of the SAS
- GeoScienceWorld
- Web of Science
- Scopus
- List of journals in the Geological Division library / PDF (in Slovak)