researcher, deputy director of the Geological Division
Mgr. Dušan Starek, PhD.
- Neotectonics of eastern segment of Mur-Orava Basin Fault ZoneProgram: Inter-academic agreementDuration: 1. 8. 2013 – 31. 12. 2015
- Miocene to Recent tectonic activity of Orava-Nowy Targ BasinProgram: Inter-academic agreementDuration: 1. 1. 2007 – 31. 12. 2012
- Sedimentary environment and ostracod fauna in the Late Miocene of the Western CarpathiansProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2024 – 31. 12. 2026
- Reading in natural archives: thousands of years of environmental history and climate change recorded in alpine lakes of the Ukrainian CarpathiansProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 7. 2021 – 30. 6. 2025
- Chronostratigraphic standards and sedimentary archives of global changes of biota and paleoenvironments of the Western CarpathiansProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 8. 2021 – 30. 6. 2025
- Temporal and spatial changes in the coralline algal assemblages from the shallow-water Tertiary limestones of the West CarpathiansProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2023
- Chronology of global events in Tethyan and Parathethyan basins of the Western Carpathians infered from evolution and life environments of fossil planktonic organisms.Program: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2023
- Fine laminated deposits - a tool for chronology of the latest Pleistocene climatic events in the Tatra Mts.Program: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023
- Sedimentary paleoenvironments and transport-depositional mechanisms in the Paleogene formations of the Central Western CarpathiansProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2018 – 31. 12. 2021
- Magnetic fabric, sedimentologic and provenance study of clastic formations of the Western CarpathiansProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2017 – 31. 12. 2020
- Deglaciation and postglacial climatic evolution recorded in the lake deposits of the High Tatra MountainsProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 7. 2016 – 30. 6. 2020
- Global event stratigraphic correlations and paleoenvironments of the Cretaceous and Paleogene formations of the Western Carpathians: biotic, sedimentary and geochemical proxiesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2016 – 31. 12. 2019
- Regional stratotypes for genetic, earthtime and paleoenvironmental properties of the Western Carpathian sedimentary basinsProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 7. 2015 – 30. 6. 2019
- Integrated sedimentological study of the Paleogene formations of the Central Western Carpathians: a reconstruction of the depositional paleoenvironments in relation to tectogenetic processes, subsidence history of the basin and changing climate regimesProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2015 – 31. 12. 2017
- Multiproxy analysis of limnic profundal deposits: cyclicity and variability of the environment in Late Miocene of the Central ParatethysProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2015 – 31. 12. 2017
- Paleoenvironmental record of global system instability in the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene Formations of the Western Carpathians: changes of the physical and life conditions in time of biotic crisis, climatic extremes, impacts and syngenetic volcanisms.Program: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2015
- Postglacial evolution of Tatra Mts. Environment: multidisciplinary ecological study of subalpine lakeProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2012 – 31. 12. 2014
- Evolution of the non-marine Ostracoda in climatically and geographically evolving Europe NeogeneProgram: VEGADuration: 1. 1. 2009 – 31. 12. 2011
- Microevolution, trends of adaptation and paleoenvironmental factors in the radiation of Ostracoda in the Middle and Late Miocene of the Central ParatethysProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 6. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010
- Planet, we live onProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 4. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010
- Biochronology of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations of the Western Carpathians: plankton evolutionary events and their stratigraphic calibrationProgram: SRDADuration: 1. 5. 2006 – 30. 10. 2009