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During the scientific stay (Short-Term Scientific Mission Grant, COST20108 project), realised between 1st and 12th October, 2024, researcher Iveta Smetanová visited Dr. Maria Candelaria Martín-Luis from the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (ULL). The researchers from both institutions performed comparative radon activity concentration and microclimate monitoring in the lava caves on Tenerife, one of…

The mineralogical conference MinWien2023, a meeting of the German Mineralogical Society and the Austrian Mineralogical Society, which was also joined by the Mineralogical Society of Slovakia this year, was held in Vienna at the GeoZentrum of the Faculty of Geological Sciences, Geography and Astronomy at the University of Vienna from September 19 to 21. Peter…

The 5th Bohemian Massif Symposium was held from June 7th – 10th 2023 at the Congress Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the Smolenice castle located near Bratislava in the mountain range of Malé Karpaty. This symposium followed the successful Variscan meetings organized by Austrian, Czech, and German geologists – friends of Bohemian Massif: 2014 (Böhmerwald /…

After 11 years, a team of Slovak researchers once again took part in a geophysical measurement at an almost 5 000-year-old mound in the Boyne Valley in Ireland. The research team at the famous Newgrange included Pavol Zahorec and Ema Nogová from the Earth Science Institute (Slovak Academy of Sciences), Roman Pašteka from the Faculty…

Dear colleagues and friends from the Slovak Academy of Science, Comenius University, Matej Bel University, State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur and many other anonymous benefactors from Banská Bystrica, Košice, Bratislava and other places from Slovakia. We sincerely thank you for reacting to our request for help. Thank you for your financial, material and medical…

The European AlpArray initiative, launched in 2015, aims to improve our understanding of the geological development of the Alps and the seismic risk in the Alps-Apennines-Carpathians-Dinarides mountain system. The initiative integrates current Earth research with high-resolution geophysical imaging of 3D structures and the physical properties of the lithosphere and upper mantle, focusing on top seismological measurements. As…

We are pleased to report that our long-term collaborator Prof. Daria K. Ivanova (Department of Paleontology, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) worked at our institute in Banská Bystrica for four months in 2021 in the framework of the National Scholarship Programme for the Supports of Mobility of University Students, PhD Students,…