researcher, Scientific secretary
Mgr. Miloš Revallo, PhD.
The research in the field of space geophysics is focused on short-term forecast models for disturbed geomagnetic activity driven by solar energetic events, using advanced statistical methods (artificial neural networks). This kind of research concerns the space weather topic, with practical applications in the area of energetics, aviation and navigation systems.
The research in the field of geophysical fluid mechanics is related with theoretical geophysics and uses the methods of applied mathematics (the asymptotic methods for solution of partial differential equations). The aim of this research is to understand the nonlinear dynamics of convection, namely the formation and interaction of various types of instabilities in the Earth’s interior.
2002 Philosophiae doctor (PhD.) in geophysics – Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Dissertation thesis: Amplitude equations for oscillation instabilities in the problems of rotating convection with magnetic field (in Slovak)
1996 Master degree (Mgr.) in geophysics – Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Diploma thesis: Rotating magnetoconvection influenced by the modified Taylor’s constraint (Application of perturbation methods) (in Slovak)
1991 Completed secondary education – Gymnázium J.G. Tajovského, B. Bystrica, Slovakia
Professional experience:
since 2006 Research associate at the Geophysical Institute of SAS (at present: the Earth Science Institute of SAS)
1999–2006 Research associate at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, FMPI CU
1996–1999 Doctoral student at the Department of Geophysics, FMPI CU
Study stays:
Oct 1998 – Dec 1998 University of Exeter, UK – study stay
Oct 2002 – March 2003 University of Nottingham, UK – post-doctoral stay
Nov 2003 – Oct 2004 University of Nottingham, UK – post-doctoral stay (scholarship awarded by the Royal Society)
Memberships in scientific organizations:
National Committee SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics) – Chair and National Representative
National Committee COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) – Secretary
The research in the field of geophysical fluid mechanics is related with theoretical geophysics and uses the methods of applied mathematics (the asymptotic methods for solution of partial differential equations). The aim of this research is to understand the nonlinear dynamics of convection, namely the formation and interaction of various types of instabilities in the Earth’s interior.
2002 Philosophiae doctor (PhD.) in geophysics – Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Dissertation thesis: Amplitude equations for oscillation instabilities in the problems of rotating convection with magnetic field (in Slovak)
1996 Master degree (Mgr.) in geophysics – Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Diploma thesis: Rotating magnetoconvection influenced by the modified Taylor’s constraint (Application of perturbation methods) (in Slovak)
1991 Completed secondary education – Gymnázium J.G. Tajovského, B. Bystrica, Slovakia
Professional experience:
since 2006 Research associate at the Geophysical Institute of SAS (at present: the Earth Science Institute of SAS)
1999–2006 Research associate at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, FMPI CU
1996–1999 Doctoral student at the Department of Geophysics, FMPI CU
Study stays:
Oct 1998 – Dec 1998 University of Exeter, UK – study stay
Oct 2002 – March 2003 University of Nottingham, UK – post-doctoral stay
Nov 2003 – Oct 2004 University of Nottingham, UK – post-doctoral stay (scholarship awarded by the Royal Society)
Memberships in scientific organizations:
National Committee SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics) – Chair and National Representative
National Committee COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) – Secretary