Laboratory of X-ray powder diffraction analysis is equipped with diffractometer Bruker D8 ADVANCE DAVINCI.DESIGN. Its configuration allows performing any common analysis used in geosciences.
Technical specifications
- maximum continuous power: 3 kW
- high voltage 20-50 kV
- current 5-60 mA
- vertical Bragg-Brentano goniometer with theta-theta geometry
- measurement circle diameter: 560 mm
- angular range: -110° to 168°
- continuous or stepper working regime
- smallest addressable increment: 0,0001°
- source of X-rays: ceramic tube with long fine focus and Cu-anode (2.2 kW)
- motorized divergence primary and secondary slit assembly
- primary and secondary Soller slits
- auto-changer with 3 magazine towers for up to 15 samples
- rotational sample stage
- specimen holder rings for random and oriented samples
- capillary sample stage
- focusing Göbel mirror for Cu-radiation
- parallel beam POLYCAP, spot diameter >4 mm
- high-temperature chamber, temperature range: RT to 1600°C
- Sol-XE solid state energy dispersive X-ray detector with Si(Li) chip cooled by Peltier elements
- operational range: 3 keV – 30keV
- energy resolution 250 eV at 103 cps using 6 μs pulse shaping time for 5.9 keV
- energy resolution 300 eV at 104 cps using 2 μs pulse shaping time for 5.9 keV
- detection efficiency: >98% for Cu-radiation
- active area: 4 x 15 mm2
Data processing software:
- PDF2 database
Sample pre-treatment:
- laboratory for clay minerals separation
- Spry Drying Kit (Hillier 1999, Clay minerals, Vol. 34, p. 127-135)
- McCrone micronizing mill
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