The observatory is dedicated to monitor climate and to support the research of alpine climate. It is run by the Department of Atmospheric Physics in cooperation with Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. It is positioned in alpine area of High Tatra mountains and represents the alpine climate over the timberline. The observatory is equipped by standard climate station with some supplementary measurements of solar radiation and ozone.
WMO identification code: 11931
Coordinates: 49° 11′ 22″ N, 20° 14′ 04″ E, elevation 1778 m a.s.l.
Climate observations and measurements are done in a steep-land and there is dwarf mountain pine surrounding the station. The station is a part of the observing network of Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. Automated measurements are supplemented by manual observations in order to keep the time series fully homogenous.
Parameters monitored by the climate station:
- air temperature, air humidity, air pressure
- precipitation, snow cover height
- wind direction and wind speed
- solar radiation components (global radiation, diffuse radiation, reflected radiation, UVB)
- radiation balance
- soil temperature
- present weather
- state of ground
Ground level ozone concentration is also measured.
Climate station at Skalnate Plaso belongs to the most important mountain stations in Slovakia. It works from 1941 and the data supply Partial Monitoring System – Meteorology and Climatology which is a part of Monitoring system of Slovak Republic. These data are important for climate studies in Tatra region such as for Climate Atlas of SK, for Atlas of the Tatra Mountains – abiotic nature. The highest wind speed ever recorded in Slovakia (248 km/h) occurred at Skalnate Pleso.
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