História / History

After origin of two independent states, Czech and Slovak republics in 1993, Joint Czech and Slovak geological committees still worked together one year. The National Geological Committee of the Slovak Republic (NGC) was established in 1994. Independent Slovak Committee was chaired by Prof. Dušan Hovorka (Comenius University) until 2000. During the Congress of the Slovak Geological Society in 2001, Ass. Prof. Jozef Michalík (Slovak Academy of Sciences) was elected as a new chairman. In following period the NGC was chaired by Prof. Dušan Plašienka (Comenius University; 2005–2009), Dr. Milan Kohút (ŠGÚDŠ; 2009–2013), Dr.  Jozef Michalík (Slovak Academy of Sciences; 2013–2017), and Dr. Milan Kohút (Slovak Academy of Sciences; 2017–2022). The new chairwoman of the NGC since 2022 is Ass. Prof. Marianna Kováčová (Comenius University).

Traditionally, NGC uses to be elected during Congress of the Slovak Geological Society which is organized every four years from candidates named by the most important geological organizations in Slovakia such as the Dionýz Štúr State Geological Institute (actually serving as the Geological Survey of Slovakia), the Geological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava, and the Mining Faculty of Technical University in Košice. The President of Slovak Geological Society and the General Director for Geology at Ministry of Environment of SR become ordinary members of the Committee, too. The eight-member NGC, originated from election, is the representative of Slovak geologists towards the IUGS. The NGC organizes the activity of different geological societies and associations: Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Slovak Geological Society, Slovak Mineralogical Society, etc.

The organization of International Year of Planet Earth in Slovakia in 2008-2010 was one of the most important NGC activities within last years. The exhibitions in the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava (2008-2010 on 500 m2), in 2010 at the Spiš Museum in Spišská Nová Ves, in 2011 at the Danube Museum in Komárno, and in 2012 at the Slovak National Museum in Martin have been seen by almost hundred thousands of visitors.

Great importance is paid on the cooperation of the NGC with the IUGS and UNESCO. During few decades of activity of the NGC in Slovakia, seven important IGCP projects have been chaired by Slovak geologists.